Valentine fusion tart

Love Recipe 2025
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  • Flour 500g
  • Unsalted butter 82% Fat 200g
  • Confectioner's sugar 300g
  • Eggs 120g
  • Totaal 1120g


Combine all the ingredients in a planetary mixer equipped with paddle until omogeneus structure is obtained. Chill in the fridge for a couple of hours. Spread at 3-4 mm and fill a tart ring. Bake at 170C for 8-12 minutes.

Sponge Roll

  • Egg yolk 100g
  • Sugar 50g
  • a.p. flour 100g
  • Potato starch 25g
  • Egg whites 150g
  • Sugar 75g
  • Totaal 500g

Sponge Roll

Whip separately yolks nd sugar, and egg whites and sugar until fluffy.
Add the flour in the egg yolk and combine.
Add the whippe egg whites int the yolk mixture.
Spread the dough over silicon mats and bake at 175C for 10 min.

Red Fruits Custard

  • Red berries puree Ravifruit 290g
  • Top cream 120g
  • Lilly neutro 30g
  • Totaal 440g

Red Fruits Custard

Dissolve lilly neutro in the red berries puree. Add the top cream and stir well, let rest for two minutes and stir again.

Assembly, layout and finishing

Fill a spiral silicon mould with the fruit custard and blast freeze for easy unmolding. Spread a little bit of custar on the bottom of the baked shortcrust, place a disk of sponge and place the spiral of custard cream. Decorate the surface with fresh fruits lighly coated into neutral glaze. Decorate with love spheres.

Enjoy this exciting recipe.

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